The prisons of Algeciras, Sevilla II and Puerto III, the most dangerous in Spain

Brian Hald
May 1, 2024

The total breakdown of cases in Andalusia is ten attacks in Albolote; three in Alcalá de Guadaíra; 15 in Algeciras; five in Almería; one in the CIS of Huelva; six in Córdoba; twelve in Huelva; five in Jaén; ten in Malaga; seven in Málaga II; eight in the Seville Psychiatric Hospital; six in Puerto I-Cádiz; two in Port II; 21 in Port III; four in Seville; and 19 in Morón.

The president of the Tu Abandono Me Podemos Matar Union (TAMPM), Manuel Galisteo, told LA RAZÓN that "unfortunately the negative trend" in terms of attacks is "ascending." TAMPM indicated that "the worrying trend" is confirmed with the annual balance. The number of attacks is the highest of the last eight, "with more than 100 attacks compared to" the worst year, which was 2016 with 359 attacks. The union denounced "the disastrous policy on the prevention of occupational risks combined with disastrous prison classification work," which "forms a Molotov cocktail that results in the workers having to pay for this deficient management."

TAMPM complained about the "specific protocol that generalist organizations agreed to in which a different definition of aggression is made for prison staff compared to the rest of the General State Administration," which "results in insults, death threats, spitting , touches or even objective injuries during a reduction are not counted. TAMPM criticized "the policy of disavowing the authority figure of the penitentiary workers by the Penitentiary Institution, the general secretary and the entire leadership of the general services, with measures such as the circular of the legal duty that any statement by an inmate without evidence be taken to court." «This means that the loss of authority of prison workers is increasing at a forced pace. We have to regret that after having consented to the attacks being classified differently by CSIF and UGT-ACAIP, today they cynically say that they were withdrawing the signature of that protocol," denounced the TAMPM union.

«In terms of classification, the reason for the greater probability of attacks is the disastrous classification policy and, in order to disguise the statistics, the central services are dedicated to moving first grades to second grade in a covert way to falsify the success of what they sell as prison treatment," concluded Galisteo, president of TAMPM.

"An attack in prisons every 19 hours grades grades"

"The result of the number of cases is that the ratio per attack from 21 hours that existed until September to the current rate of one attack every 19 hours is worsening" in Spanish prisons, said the union Tu Abandono Me Podemos Matar (TAMPM). Before the pandemic, an attack occurred every 36 hours in national prisons.

Credit: %20de%20Algeciras%2C,Mor%C3%B3n%2C%20con

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