Frequent questions

You have questions and we have answers

Our team of credible legal consultants can give you the support you need.

How many clients does a GCL Consultant have?

Each consultant will have a max limit of 15 clients, that they represent. With this limit it allows our consultants to give you the attention you and your loved one needs.

Is GC Libertad a real law firm?

Nope, we are a communication platform between inmates, their families and lawyers.

We also provide services for inmates, where we handle their paperwork, requests and wishes from the family.

How time intensive is it to be part of this?

Each consultant will take three to five hours of your time every week to give you updates, listen to you and arrange necessary meetings.

Do you offer any guarantees?

Yes, you can receive a full refund up until the first meeting with one of our law partners.

How often do we communicate?

That's quite subjective, with our internal communication platform, we are only one message away.

If you want weekly updates, then we will arrange that through our Channel system in the the GCL Platform.

What happens after I enroll?

After you enroll in your cohort, you'll receive an email with an orientation package.

Can I get more than one lawyer?

Yes, you can en theory hire an entire team of lawyers through us, in order to put pressure on the judge and prosecutor, to finalise the case quicker.

How will I meet my lawyers?

In your orientation package, you'll receive access to a legal chat in our app, where you can talk to your consultant and lawyer, whenever you like.