CSIF criticizes the lack of doctors in Andalusian prisons

Brian Hald
May 1, 2024

The Independent Union and Civil Servants Central (CSIF) in Andalusia, the majority union in the Public Administrations and with a growing presence in private companies, has criticized the lack of doctors in Andalusian prisons, which has caused 16 of them, which represent More than 75% of the total of these centers have had to resort to private contracting due to the need for health personnel.

The president of the General State Administration sector of CSIF-A and national coordinator of prison health of the union, Francisco Amaya, has pointed out that Andalusian prisons “are going through a complicated situation by not having doctors, which is why we demand from the Ministry of the Interior an urgent solution that, in no case, involves privatizing these services in response to the demand for health care.”

Since last March 1 of this year, there are 65 vacant positions in Andalusia. The prisons in the provinces of Cádiz and Seville are the most affected with 15 unfilled places each, followed by Málaga with 11 and Granada with seven. Huelva accumulates six vacancies, five in Jaén and three in Almería and Córdoba, respectively.

Amaya has insisted on the need to put an end to these “very poor medical services before the holiday period begins and until all the necessary personnel are hired on July 1, since we are not willing to see care and security deteriorate.” of the inmates.” Furthermore, prison doctors are demanding more staff, since their lack prevents them, in many cases, from taking vacations and taking the days of rest that belong to them.

The union leader explained that nurses in Andalusian prisons “are being forced to assume the roles of doctors, which causes them to take professional risks that do not correspond to them.”

Credit: https://www.csif.es/contenido/andalucia/instituciones-penitenciarias/361587

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